Chelsea’s Choice

Our Y8 students watched ‘Chelsea’s Choice’, a renowned, engaging and powerful theatre performance highlighting the serious and emotional issue of child sexual exploitation, as part of their Ethics lesson. Students gained an understanding of the devastating impact on the character, Chelsea, of being exploited by an older male who took control of her life, as well as gaining skills and knowledge to protect themselves from this form of abuse.

The play told the story of a girl called Chelsea who was a 15 year old girl who, having fallen out with her friends and family, met a man called Gary. Unfortunately Gary was not what he seemed to be! Chelsea’s story unfolded and afterwards our students talked with the actors and discussed what happened to Chelsea and how it could have been prevented.

Students displayed impeccable behaviour throughout the play and workshop, making valuable contributions to the discussion. They have been unanimous in their appreciation of the piece and the messages around safe internet use and healthy relationships. All students received an information leaflet after the performance giving them advice on how to keep themselves and their friends safe.

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