ICT Downloads
Computer Science Downloads
The ICT department is made up of 2 specialist teachers, each with their own specialisms including ICT, Creative Media and Computer Science but all with the shared vision of teaching and learning at KS3 which aims to give students the skills and knowledge to operate safely in an increasingly digital world. We focus on the following key areas:
Operate in the real world:
• Use a PC
• Use collaboration tools professionally and responsibly including email and cloud computing and understand the concepts and opportunities they give
• Use the internet and find information effectively and be able to make judgements about the validity of the information found
• Use office 365 apps to support learning
Demonstrate creativity using ICT:
• Deconstructed existing media products
• Plan media products to meet client and audience needs
• Create digital content
• Critically evaluate their skills and product
Keep safe using digital devices:
• Identify components of a PC and know their role
• Know how the internet works and the key components needed to operate online including Wi-Fi, streaming/downloading etc
• Know the risks of using digital devices
• Know how to keep themselves safe online and protect their future online presence including key concepts such as encryption, phishing and once online always online
Consider possible careers in ICT/Computer Science and Creative Media:
• Experience computer science tasks such as programming
• Experience media production tasks with clearly defined clients
• Experience ICT task with clearly defined clients and worked within the project lifecycle

Curriculum Information
KS3 Curriculum
Our KS3 curriculum prepares students for living in a digital world and also prepares them for opportunities in KS4 to study Digital Information Technology or Digital Creative Media Production and covers the following topics:
Year 7
- Collaborating Online Respectfully
- Word Processing & Blogging
- Spreadsheets
- Networks
- Vector Graphics
- Intro to Python
Year 8
- Computer Systems
- Animation
- Data Science
- Python Programming
- Cyber Security
KS4 Curriculum
At KS4 we offer two different pathways. A number of students choose both as they do complement each other. We deliver BTEC Digital Information Technology (DIT) and BTEC Creative Digital Media Production (CDMP).
BTEC Digital Information Technology (DIT)
DIT is an exciting and forward-thinking qualification that will prepare students for the modern digital world where they will live and work. It has three components:
Component 1 Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques
This is internally assessed coursework worth 30% of the final grade. Students learn how to design an interface to meet the needs of a range of users, create a User Interface for a company and have hands on experience of the project life-cycle – seeing a project through from start to finish.
Component 2 Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data
This is another internally assessed coursework unit, worth 30% of final grade. Students learn how to handle large data file, how to manipulate data, create a dashboard to present data and present this data to a range of user.
Component 3 Effective Digital Working Practices
This is an externally assessed unit with a written exam. It is worth 40% of final grade and to prepare for it students study areas such as the impact of modern technologies, cyber Security and different types of malware, the legal framework for protecting intellectual property and data, how to prevent threats to data and ethical hacking.
BTEC Creative Digital Media Production (CDMP)
CDMP is an exciting and forward-thinking qualification that will prepare students for working in the creative media sector. It has three components:
Component 1 Exploring Media Products
This is internally assessed coursework, worth 30% of final grade. Students learn how media products create meaning for their audience. They look at existing past and present products such as video games, TV programmes and magazines and then focus on the audio/moving sector analysing films and filming techniques.
Component 2 Developing Digital Media Production Skills
This is another internally assessed coursework unit, worth 30% of final grade. Students learn skills and techniques to produce media products focusing on publishing. They create a portfolio of pre-production documents and production techniques and then repurpose a magazine cover and one page spread.
Component 3 Create a Media Product in Response to a Brief
This is an externally assessed with an exam board set client brief which is worth 40% of final grade. Students learn how to respond to a client brief, create pre-production documents in response to a client brief and apply media production skills and techniques to create a media product.
KS5 Curriculum
At KS5 we offer two different pathways, leading on from KS4 but students do not have to have studied the subject at KS4 to study them in the sixth form. We deliver BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology (ICT) and BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production.
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology (IT)
IT is an exciting and forward-thinking qualification that will prepare students for the modern digital world where they will live and work. It has four components:
Using Social Media in Business
Students learn about how social media can be a powerful tool for businesses. They then prepare a social media campaign and mock up posts for a company. This is then internally assessed through coursework.
Creating Systems to Manage Information: databases (exam)
Students learn how to use Access to manage information, from normalising data to creating reports. Students then sit an onscreen exam where they set up and manipulate an Access database.
Data Modelling
Students study using Excel to manipulate data. For coursework they plan and execute a model to meet their client’s needs.
Information Technology Systems
Students study how Information Technology Systems are using in organisations and the benefits of cloud computing, the issues around data security and the impact of technology on working practices. They are then assessed through a written exam.
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production
CDMP is an exciting and forward-thinking qualification that will prepare students for working in the creative media sector. It has four components:
Digital Magazine Production
Students plan and create a digital magazine to meet a client brief and are assessed through coursework.
Representation in Media
Students learn how people are portrayed in Media products and how to critically evaluate media content. They then sit an onscreen exam where they watch media products such as adverts or games and comment on how and the media product has been constructed.
Pre production portfolio
Students focus on the pre-production requirements of film production, they prepare scripts and storyboard as well as consider funding and legal requirements. This is then assessed through coursework.
Responding to a commission
Students learn all about the process of responding to a commission, as if they are working in a media production company. They are given a pre-release client brief and controlled conditions they prepare a pitch for the client.