Our curriculum is constantly developing, with students offered courses designed to meet their needs and ensure their success.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8)
In Year 7, students are placed in a mixed ability form group of approximately twenty six boys and girls. Each form is cared for and supervised by a form tutor, who is the students’ first point of contact.
Each form is part of a year group. The Head of Year, working with an Assistant Head of Year, has responsibility for the year group. The Heads of Year monitor the educational progress, welfare, behaviour and pastoral care of each student in their year.
Key Stage 4 (Years 9, 10 & 11)
At the end of Year 8 students begin their GCSE courses. Students follow a number of core subjects and are asked to choose from a range of optional subjects.
Our curriculum is constantly developing with students offered a mix of traditional GCSE courses supplemented by a range of appropriate vocational qualifications.
The Sixth Form
We have a very successful Sixth Form. Student achievement is good and examination results at A level are above the national average.