“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”
Richard Riley, former US Secretary of Education.
Our department wishes to build a brand of students who are able to succeed in the real-world business environment both, academically and through the wider attributes students will develop.
The Business and Economics faculty is a thriving entity that develops core business and economic knowledge and applies current and relevant examples into our teachings. We aim to develop a mindset that encourages critical thinking and confidence in our students that shapes the next generation of entrepreneurs.
It has never been of more importance for young minds to have an understanding of the business and economic environment and the implications that this has on them currently and in future. Recent events such as Brexit, Covid-19 and the changing of leadership in foreign countries has created a very dynamic environment in which we live and will inevitably lead to consequences that impact on our prosperity. Our ability to trade freely within the EU has been compromised and this will impact on duties, fees and potentially the exchange rate with other currencies. The reduced interest rates by the Bank of England have led to lower mortgage repayments, increased borrowing and encouraging spending of households. Additionally, the restrictions by the government will impact on the human capital of the UK economy and our ability to compete on an international scale. Business, economics and travel has never been of such importance.
There are four teachers in the faculty, each with their own specialisms and degrees of real-life experience operating within business which allows us to successfully deliver the subjects with a personal touch and insight.

Areas of Study Covered:
Y9 KS4 – AQA GCSE Business
- The reasons that businesses exist
- Types of legal structures in business
- Business plans
- Different stakeholders in business
- Business growth
Y10 KS4 – AQA GCSE Business
- Organisational structures
- Process of recruitment and documents
- Financial and non-financial motivation
- Types of training
- Production processes
- Just-in-time production
- Quality
- Customer service
- External impacts on business
Y11 KS4 – AQA GCSE Business
- Identifying customer needs
- Market research
- Market segmentation
- Pricing strategies
- Promotional methods
- Place
- Produce life cycle
- Boston matrix
- Sources of finance
- Costs, revenues and profit
- Cash flow forecasting
- Average rate of return
- Financial statements
- Understanding financial ratios
Y12 KS5 – AQA A Level Business
- Nature and purpose of business
- Management and leadership
- Legal structures
- Influences on marketing decisions
- Influences on financial decisions
- Influences on operational decisions
- Influences on HR decisions
Y12 KS5 – EDEXCEL BTEC Business L3
- Investigating business
- Aims and business success
- Innovation and marketing
- The extended marketing mix
Y13 KS5 – AQA A Level Business
- Mission, corporate aims and strategy
- Analysing the strategic position of a business
- Choosing strategic direction
- Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies
- Managing strategic change
Y13 KS5 – EDEXCEL BTEC Business L3
- Business and personal finance
- Recruitment and selection
- Interviews and final examination preparation